The contents of the website have now been modified to indicate that the Government of Madhya Pradesh owns that site. I am not sure why the Government of Madhya Pradesh has text explaining everything about Union Carbide and nothing about the people of Bhopal. Plus it says "Copyright Union Carbide 2000 - 2006". Not sure why the Government of Madhya Pradesh would allow Union Carbide to alter the contents of a site that it owns. It is possible that neither Carbide nor the MP government owns it and that a prankster owns the site.
Another funny thing that I have observed recently. The webtroller of either Union Carbide or the MP Government have noticed my blog entry and they close the window anytime the link reference is from I am pretty sure this was not happening earlier. But you type directly into the browser and you will get to the website without any problems. Or reboot and then enter and you will get through. If this was really a Madhya Pradesh Government employee doing this; the people of Madhya Pradesh deserve a new government.